Saturday 15 September 2012

Selecting a Cast for A Radio Drama - Educating a radio Drama Cast

Selecting a cast for a radio drama depends on many things as a producer but of importance is the social nature of your cast. While auditioning cast, endeavour to select amongst the best performers, one that can easily socialize. This is because, in radio drama voicing, the actors do really “silly” things with voice usage and lack of familiarity/social-life would be a bottle neck as regards bringing out those emotions from your cast. In other words, down-to-earth persons are most needed and are prioritized.

Secondly, with the level of technology involved in the art, “technologicians” are also preffered. If you are using young adults (teenagers e.t.c. e.t.c), make sure you audition them to know their patience levels. Young persons are most at times impatient and radio drama rehearsals are suppose to be interesting, but when the end is perceived by the cast as – them not having the “Hollywood 5-star, paparazzi” lifestyle, they get tired out easily and see radio drama voicing as a hobby, not a profession or wateva……. For solutions think of innovative ways of making your radio drama worthwhile and enlighten your cast while rehearsing on the art and the opportunities that abound. Above all make sure they have some level of patience.
There are two ways to rehearse/voice radio drama that I have practiced and that I would talk about in my next post.

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